腾讯云免费建站_营销引流都有什么方法_江苏建设通网站_莱芜推广 ABSTRACT

With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standards,many intelligent tools have been integrated into life and facilitated people's lives.This paper explores how to use existing facial recognition technology and combine the interactive characteristics of online communities to build an online platform focusing on facial recognition technology.Starting from the aspects of user demand and technical implementation,this paper proposes a forum architecture based on user-generated content,and designs a series of communication and sharing functions to promote the dissemination and exchange of expertise in the field of face recognition.The paper also explores the platform's security and privacy protection mechanisms,as well as how user-generated data is handled.Finally,through experiments and user feedback,the paper verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the forum platform,and demonstrates its potential in promoting the progress of face recognition technology and community building.

The system uses Java programming language,Mysql and MVVM as development technologies to add,modify,view and delete system data.The system splits the system in a component-based way,and analyzes and designs the addition,deletion,check and modification of each table in the database,and the constraint relationship between tables,so as to finally realize the commercial-level application that meets the needs of users.This website will provide users with a platform to learn about traditional culture,so that they can more easily understand,share and learn some information about traditional culture,and can also participate in related traditional cultural activities.

This article will introduce in detail the design and implementation process of the communication website system based on Springboot face recognition.We will discuss the architecture of the system,the design of functional modules,and the application of key technologies.Through this project,we hope to better promote traditional Chinese culture,so that more people can understand and apply it.

Keywords:Spring Boot Face Recognition Communication Website System;Java;MySQL;SpringBoot









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